The Dragon Heart class is a strength, balance and fitness program tailored to the needs of older adult bodies. Research has shown that exercise programs that incorporate aerobic, strength and balance exercises are effective in improving functionality, increasing independence and reducing the risk of falling.
Our class is rooted in an evidence based curriculum that, if done regularly, has shown to improve a person's sense of balance, strength, mobility, mood and independence as they age.
You need access to the internet, a little clear floor space, a chair and 2 hand weights. Wear comfortable clothing and supportive footwear.
Classes are on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays at 9:00am PST
20 minutes aerobic exercise
10 minutes joint mobility practice
5 minutes balance practice
20 minutes strength training
5 minutes cool down
100% fun.
Yoga is a powerful practice that not only helps to improve physical flexibility, but also enhances balance, coordination, stress reduction and cognitive health. This class is a balance of bodyweight strength exercises, dynamic stretching, mindful breathing and relaxation techniques. Good for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike.
Our class incorporates a variety of stretches for different muscle groups is important for overall flexibility, but like anything its consistency that is key when it comes to improving flexibility. We have class twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:40am PST.
You will need a yoga mat and 2 yoga blocks. Wear comfortable clothing and be barefoot.